"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.. ampunilah aku, rahmatilah aku, cukupkanlah aku, angkatkanlah darjatku, berikanlah aku petunjuk, afiatkanlah aku dan maafkanlah aku"


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Firstly tq tuk k.chik ats kad yg cantik..suke suke...kalo datang paka ni jgn lupa jumpe farah dehh...
then,tag dari puan Ela yg puteh melepak itu..sorang yg amat2 rajin masak..sedap lak tu..kikikiii...
Ela..cha sebok nk udang besar tu..geram guh..ela ahh rajin ngat tunjuk2 kat blog..nk cari mane dok tau..hehee...(tubbik doh bahase ganu kite!)
saje je ekk suke suki tag aii tau..hehe..takpe..do my best!


The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.Each player answers the questions about themselves.At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged.Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.


What were you doing 5 years ago?

  1. -farah final sem kat UiTM Dungun,Terengganu..
  2. farah keje contract dgn Petronas..then..kene sambung cntract ke labuan tp..farah tolak sebab...
  3. sebabnye...farah kawin krismas 2004..takkan nk tgl laki jauh2..hehe

What were the 5 things on your list today?
  1. masak..masak..dan masak utk chacha..pepagi lagi.."mommy cha nk nasi"..nk diet pon tkleh (alasan)...
  2. kemas toto dan bantal dpn tv..sbb kitorg suke tdo dpn tv...
  3. air neskope pns satu tuk En.Laling...(dh keje wajib tu!)
  4. of course bukak blog..kalo tkde n3 baru pon..wajib g jengah kwn2 msk ape..dh la jauh2 lak tu...tiap hari round satu dunia wehh!
  5. kalo dgr byi lori sampah..of course lari2 g buang sume smpah yg ade..hehee
    ...err ade lagi ni...tp Ela nk 5 je.. ;-(
What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?

  1. ermmm mee goreng basah of course
  2. kerepek yg ber krup krappp
  3. biskut2 esp famous amos
  4. coleslow..(ntah bile nk try wt sndrik)
  5. pizza jgkk..

What are 5 jobs you've had?
ekceli farah nk jgk jadi accountant cam Ela..tp dokleh ahh..dok rok cetong...bab2 duit ni sume En.Laling aii pye keje..he is better than me!uhukss...
  1. chef tk berkaki lebar kat rmh...dah wajib nk wt cmno huhu...
  2. cikgu nrsery tuk cha jgk..kdg siap ajar joget...syyyyy..connectedd...protected..lalalallaaaa..(lagu barbie wehh)diamond castle..
  3. since ade blog ni..camera always ada...nak amik gmbo je keroje
  4. isteri En.Laling
  5. kakak pada sepasang adik

5 people you want to tag...
ahaaa...ni la masa aii plakk...
P/S kalau yg dlm list dah sedia ade..abaikan aje oke..klu tkde lagi sila la wt yekk..nnt nk kasi markah ni..hehee...ramai lagi nk suh wt ni..tp Ela nk 5org aje..


Unknown said...

Salam farah. Ini ke TAG nya? KakChik dtg ambik esok ya, skrg dah naik sakit bahu, mata pun dah ngantuk.

Mekasih ya dan siap tampal dah kat atas tu.

p/s: blog kakchik dah tukar layout, hehehe. baru je siap.

Unknown said...

KakChik dtg amik tag. Set polyvore tuk farah tu blm siap sb kakchik krg sihat sikit, tak dpt beri tumpuan.


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